After his father's death, his mother was incapacitated. If I had been at home, I could have helped him, but the situation was tough. My uncle, my father's younger brother, who had been close to me for a long time, began to look at my mother and she gradually regained her vitality. One day, my mother and uncle rolled into my house. When her mother was in trouble, she could not help herself, but accepted the two of them and began to live with a strange cohabitation. At first he was an adult uncle, but gradually began to show his true nature and borrowed money from alcoholic beverages and gambling. It was the sighting of my mother's jealousy that suddenly changed. During the work, he saw his uncle and a man jealous of his mother. He was tied to a man, and he was raped. I left the place in a hurry. On the day of my uncle's absence, I asked my mother about that time. My mother told me that she had been made uncle and sold to a man for money. and he closed his eyes, saying that I was sorry for such a mother. And when he held it like he had decided to, he loved his son's crotch and included it in his mouth.